56 research outputs found

    Los factores clave en la gestión estratégica de centros comerciales

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    Este trabajo quiere resaltar la importancia que adquiere la gestión estratégica de los centros comerciales, en un momento en que la competencia entre ellos se intensifica notablemente. El enfoque de estudio adoptado parte de una reflexión sobre los recursos y capacidades de un centro comercial que se pueden constituir en bases de ventajas competitivas sostenibles. El análisis se enriquece con una investigación empírica dirigida a los gerentes de grandes centros comerciales españoles, a través de la cual se obtiene una visión del patrón actual de gestión de los mismos y se conocen los recursos y capacidades clave para la consecución de ventajas frente a los competidores, según la opinión de los responsables de la gestión.This paper wants to emphasize the importance, strategic management of shopping centers, at a time when competition between them escalates dramatically. The study approach adopted is a reflection on the resources and capabilities of a shopping center that may constitute bases of sustainable competitive advantages. The analysis is enriched by empirical research aimed at managers of large Spanish shopping centers, through which a current view of management pattern is obtained and the same resources and key capabilities for achieving benefits against known competitors, in the opinion of the managers

    Competitive (versus Loyal) Showrooming: An Application of the Push-Pull-Mooring Framework

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    Showrooming is an increasingly popular practic that threatens retailers' performance. This paper adopts the push-pull-mooring framework to understand the shopper decision to purchase online from a different retailer (competitive showrooming) rather than from the same retailer visited to gather information (loyal showrooming). Going beyond the customer motivation to get the best value, we focus on retailer-situational variables (store crowding and quality of salesperson service) and retailer-relational variables (customer satisfaction, trust and loyalty) in the decision on competitive (vs loyal) showrooming. Data was collected via a survey answered by 659 showroomers and analysed using fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) to unveil different patterns of competitive showrooming. Results highlight the role of mooring factors, such as a strong customer-retailer relationship and quality salespersons' service, in reducing competitive showrooming

    Auge y declive del Marketing Mix

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    El objetivo que persigue este trabajo es meramente descriptivo, intentando poner sobre la mesa un concepto clásico de la Ciencia del Marketing: el Marketing-Mix. Así, en un primer apartado se lleva a cabo una revisión del contenido del concepto, para, en segundo lugar, detallar los orígenes y la evolución histórica del Marketing-Mix. El tercer apartado sintetiza el debate generado en torno al concepto, tanto desde el punto de vista teórico, como pedagógico y práctico. Por último, se intenta hacer una reflexión s o b re en qué punto se encuentra el Marketing-Mix y hacia dónde se dirige.The objective of this work is purely descriptive, trying put on the table a classic concept of Marketing Science: the Marketing-Mix. Thus, in a first section conducts a review of content of the concept for second, detailing the origins and historical evolution of the Marketing-Mix. The third section summarizes the discussion generated around the concept, both from the theoretical point of view, as pedagogical and practical. Finally, we try to reflect at what point is the Marketing-Mix and where it is headed

    Understanding complaint channel usage in multichannel retailing

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    This study aims to understand customer patterns of channel usage to voice complaints to multichannel retailers. Data were collected from multichannel shoppers for apparel in Spain by means of an online survey. Latent Class Analysis on complaint channel (store, website, mobile app and social media) usage was performed. The analysis identifies four customer segments that use complaint channels differently. Channel dependencies emerged, particularly related to mobile app usage. The study then explores how the identified patterns are related to channel usage for information search and purchase and to the quality of the relationship with the retailer. Results provide theoretical and managerial contributions to the retailing field

    Drivers of social commerce usage: a multi-group analysis comparing Facebook and Instagram

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    Social media are increasingly used as platforms to not only socialise but also to shop for products and services. Social commerce is the new trend in e-commerce that leverages the enhanced consumer-to-consumer interactions to support shopping processes. Based on the concept of social commerce constructs suggested by Nick Hajli, this article investigates the role of social commerce constructs, emotional and informative support, and trust as drivers of social commerce intention. We apply multi-group analysis to validate the drivers of social commerce for two of the most relevant social media platforms: Facebook and Instagram. Based on a sample of 800 social commerce users, our findings reveal that social commerce constructs are strong drivers of social commerce intention for both social media platforms; however, there are differences between the two as Facebook seems to generate higher emotional support and trust than Instagram

    Objašnjenje namjere korištenja mobilne trgovine na temelju modela prihvaćanja tehnologije (TAM) u okviru tržišta u razvoju

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    Purpose – This paper aims to explain the intention to use mobile phones for shopping based on the technology acceptance model (TAM) and the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) model in a developing country context, characterized by the mobile channel’s high growth rates. The research model analyzes perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, social influence, facilitating conditions, and hedonic motivation on m-commerce usage intention. Design/Methodology/Approach – Data for the research were collected through a survey among mobile commerce users in Ecuador. We tested the model through partial least squares structural equations modeling (PLS-SEM). Findings and implications – The results showed that social influence, facilitating conditions, and hedonic motivation are significant determinants of the intention to use mobile commerce in a developing market context, while perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are not. This paper’s main contribution consists in showing that, when the TAM model is expanded by including variables of the UTAUT2 model relating more specifically to the mobile technology, the influence of the ease of use and usefulness variables is not significant. Companies could develop mobile interfaces that are pleasant and stimulating, rather than utilitarian, since hedonic motivation is the variable with the greatest influence on m-commerce intention, and the one that emphasizes the social aspect of m-commerce. Limitations – The sample included individuals from a single country who were recruited from a university. Originality – The study focuses on m-commerce usage in a Latin American country, based on a combined TAM-UTAUT2 model that includes variables capturing the technological and social aspects of m-commerce.Svrha – Radom se nastoji objasniti namjera korištenja mobilnih telefona za kupovinu temeljem modela TAM i UTAUT2 u okviru zemlje u razvoju za koju su karakteristične visoke stope rasta mobilnih kanala. Istraživački model analizira percipiranu korisnost, lakoću korištenja, društveni utjecaj, uvjete i hedonističku motivaciju namjere korištenja mobilne trgovine. Metodološki pristup – Podatci su prikupljeni anketiranjem korisnika mobilne trgovine u Ekvadoru. Model je testiran modeliranjem strukturnih jednadžbi metodom parcijalnih najmanjih kvadrata (PLS-SEM). Rezultati i implikacije – Rezultati su pokazali da su društveni utjecaj, uvjeti i hedonistička motivacija značajne odrednice namjere korištenja mobilne trgovine u okviru tržišta u razvoju, a percipirana korisnost i percipirana lakoća korištenja nisu. Glavni doprinos rada jest pokazati da kada se TAM model proširi uključivanjem varijabli modela UTAUT2 koji se preciznije odnose na mobilno okruženje, utjecaj varijabli jednostavnosti uporabe i korisnosti nije značajan. Menadžeri bi mogli razviti mobilna sučelja koja su ugodna i poticajna, a ne utilitaristička, jer je hedonistička motivacija varijabla koja najviše utječe na namjeru m-trgovine i ističe njezin društveni aspekt. Ograničenja – U uzorak su uključeni ispitanici iz samo jedne zemlje s jednog sveučilišta. Doprinos – Autori proučavaju korištenje m-trgovine u latinoameričkoj zemlji na temelju kombiniranog TAM-UTAUT2 modela koji uključuje varijable koje obuhvaćaju tehnološke i društvene aspekte m-trgovine

    Implantación internacional de los minoristas de moda Multicanal: capacidades dinámicas e incrustación en los mercados.

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    Para estudiar la actividad internacional de las empresas minoristas de moda proponemos un marco que analiza las diferentes dimensiones de 'incrustación' en los mercados exteriores con las capacidades dinámicas. Partiendo de nueve entrevistas en profundidad a directivos de empresas del sector, obtenemos que cada dimensión de incrustación se apoya en diferentes capacidades dinámicas. La social requiere capacidades de construcción de marca que interactúen con las capacidades de gestión del canal y de gestión del conocimiento; la relacional está respaldada por las capacidades de gestión de los canales, mientras que la territorial lo está también por las capacidades de gestión de los canales. To study the international activity of fashion retail firms we propose a combined embeddedness-dynamic capabilities framework. We collect data through nine in-depth interviews related to international fashion retail companies. Our findings show each dimension of embeddedness is supported by different dynamic capabilities. Societal embeddedness requires brand building capabilities that interact with the capabilities of channel management and knowledge management. Network embeddedness is supported by channel management capabilities, while also territorial embeddedness is supported by the channel management capabilities

    The Transition of small Spanish wineries toward multi-channel distribution

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    Purpose This paper aims to analyses the development of exploitation and exploration capabilities, and the role of ambidexterity, in the evolution of small Spanish wineries toward multi-channel distribution systems. Design/methodology/approach A qualitative methodology based on the analyses of multiple cases supported by a computer assisted qualitative data analysis software with an abductive approach was used to study the relationship between ambidexterity and the multi-channel integration of six wineries. Findings Companies with more advanced multi-channel distribution systems have more developed ambidexterity capabilities. This ambidexterity stems fundamentally from the ability to simultaneously maintain relations with distributors and innovate and search for creative ways to satisfy new customers. Research limitations/implications The research is based on insights from companies based in Spain. Practical implications Spanish small and medium enterprises in the sector are in an underdeveloped phase of multi-channel integration. To be successful in this process, these companies must combine exploitation and exploration capabilities. Social implications If the company is able to develop an integrated multi-channel distribution system leading to an omnichannel system, consumers will benefit from it, getting complete information at each specific stage of shopping. Originality/value This study provides the first description in academic literature of the usefulness of the concept of ambidexterity as a dynamic capability to explain the degree of development and multi-channel integration

    Empleo de TIC y efectos relacionales en la cadena logística

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    Las organizaciones desarrollan sus actividades en un entorno crecientemente cambiante, donde las innovaciones tecnológicas tienen un papel clave en las relaciones entre empresas participantes en la cadena de suministros. Desde esta percepción, el objetivo de este trabajo consiste en analizar cuál es el papel de la implantación de tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC), y cómo dicha implantación, junto a la orientación al cliente de la organización, afecta al desarrollo de relaciones basadas en la confianza y el compromiso entre los miembros del canal de aprovisionamiento. El contraste de las hipótesis planteadas se realiza a través de la técnica de modelos de ecuaciones estructurales. Los resultados establecen la influencia de la orientación al cliente en la intensidad de la aplicación de TIC y en la confianza con el proveedor. Del mismo modo se confirma la relación entre la aplicación de TIC y el [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

    Axes of relationship value between manufacturers and retailers

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    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to define the relationship strategy of manufacturers with their retail customers through the identification of axes for the creation of relationship value. Design/methodology/approach - A survey was carried out and 219 valid questionnaires were completed and returned by the purchasing managers of retail companies in the furniture sector. The model was estimated using the partial least squares approach. Findings - The results revealed three axes of value creation: the core axis, the information and communication technologies (ICTs) axis, and the access axis. These axes included the benefits and costs related to the product and the service provided, the ICTs of the manufacturing project, and the relationships with the sales personnel. Research limitations/implications - Due to the size of the sample, the authors were unable to analyse the potential unobserved heterogeneity of the sample. The authors would suggest that this aspect should be analysed in future research in order to attempt to segment clients. Practical implications - Seller support is the main element of value creation. The importance of the efforts made by management to strengthen the capacities of the field force may be highlighted. Originality/value - The main contribution of this study has been to increase the level of abstraction of the study of relationship value through the identification and modelling of its axes of creation for the under-researched retailers-suppliers relationship